Saturday 3 May 2014

Question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Bauer is the magazine company I would like to distribute my music magazine as this company will have the ability to distribute my music magazine around the world which will increase sales and appeal to a huge variety of audience and become more successful and known around the world and have the potential to become a worldwide selling music magazine. Bauer media own Kerrang!, Q, Mojo ect. 

 Bauer owns 80 brands that are all distributed by Frontline. Frontline was formed by Emap in 1986 to handle their demands of an expansion in their circulation, but frontline now distributes Bauer Media products since Bauer took over Emap publications in 2008. Frontline are one of the most successful therefore i would like my magazine to be distributed through frontline.

Question 2

How does the Media Product represent a particular social group?

I tried a variety of different ways to represent my target social group within my magazine. this was my first image which i used for my double page spread article, this image fitted well with the article as the article reflected her rebellious attitude. When i took this image i asked Ellie if she could lean towards the camera as i thought it would give a forward serious impression which is what i aimed for, the clothing on Ellie is black and red which matches the color scheme of 'Epic mag'. The clothing is fashionable and fits well as the magazine is aimed at 16-24 year olds so the readers can relate.

This image was used for contents page, i have used the same pose as the main image showing the rock sign with the hand, i wanted her to do this again as i think it looks effective for the genre i was aiming for. Ellie looks serious in all of the images i have taken as it looks more professional and fits well. The clothing that she is wearing not only matches the color scheme of my magazine but also looks fashionable so that the younger generation can relate which is more addressing and eye catching for the readers. 
This is the main image for the front cover, this is my favorite image of them all as i feel that Ellie looks like a 'rock star' which is what i was aiming for. I chose this one as i felt that the main image for the front cover needed to be the most appealing for the buyers. This image is effective because it's the typical pose for a 'Kerrang!' main image artist.

Monday 2 December 2013

Music Magazine Research Questionnaire

Music Magazine Market Research questionnaire
1.What gender are you?
2.     What is your most favoured genre of music?
Rave                      Classical
          Techno                 Opera
Jazz                       Heavy metal
R&B                      Hip-hop
          Folk                      Pop
          House                  Other
3.     How often do you purchase a music magazine?
Weekly                    Annually
Monthly                  Never

4.     What price would you be willing to pay?
 0-49p            £1.00-£1.99      £3.00-£3.99
50p-99p         £2.00- £2.99     £4.00+

5.     What would you like to see featured in the music magazine?
News updates     Reviews                Posters
Interviews   up and coming gigs     pictures
Gig guides            Competitions                Surveys

6.     Which of the following bands/ artists would you want to read about in a music magazine?
·       Ben Howard
·       Joy Division          
·       Artic Monkeys
·       The Killers
·       Kasabian
·       Blink-182
·       Others- Please State………

7.     Which of the following music magazines do you read?
·       NME
·       Q
·       Kerrang
·       Mojo
·       Uncut
·       Others- please state………

8.     Which of the following sections from a contents page would encourage you to read a music magazine?
·       Regulars
·       Editor’s Letter
·       Reviews of albums/downloads
·       Interviews with artists
·       Features on current bands
·       Downloads
·       Film/Television/Video Game Reviews
·       Live gigs/ Festivals
·       Others-Please State………

9. Which of the following main images on the cover would encourage you to buy magazine?
·       Male Artist
·       Female Artist
·       Male Group
·       Female Group
·       Mixed Group

10. Would you access websites or other media platforms associated with a music magazine? (please circle)
·       Yes

·       No

Sunday 17 November 2013

What i have learnt from my music magazines from my research!

Front Covers

  • The masthead needs to be catchy and needs to fit the genre of music which you do for your magazine, the masthead needs to be the biggest text on the page and needs to be eye catching for the audience
  • The color scheme needs to match- preferably having 3 colors which will give the magazine a neat look.
  • Not too many subsidiary images, as the page could look messy and the main image needs to be the most eye catching.
  • Not too many sell lines as you don't want to give too much information away.
  • A footer line and header bar is needed.
  • The main image needs to look professional and big as it's the most effective looking on the page; the main image also needs to relate to the splash.