Monday 2 December 2013

Music Magazine Research Questionnaire

Music Magazine Market Research questionnaire
1.What gender are you?
2.     What is your most favoured genre of music?
Rave                      Classical
          Techno                 Opera
Jazz                       Heavy metal
R&B                      Hip-hop
          Folk                      Pop
          House                  Other
3.     How often do you purchase a music magazine?
Weekly                    Annually
Monthly                  Never

4.     What price would you be willing to pay?
 0-49p            £1.00-£1.99      £3.00-£3.99
50p-99p         £2.00- £2.99     £4.00+

5.     What would you like to see featured in the music magazine?
News updates     Reviews                Posters
Interviews   up and coming gigs     pictures
Gig guides            Competitions                Surveys

6.     Which of the following bands/ artists would you want to read about in a music magazine?
·       Ben Howard
·       Joy Division          
·       Artic Monkeys
·       The Killers
·       Kasabian
·       Blink-182
·       Others- Please State………

7.     Which of the following music magazines do you read?
·       NME
·       Q
·       Kerrang
·       Mojo
·       Uncut
·       Others- please state………

8.     Which of the following sections from a contents page would encourage you to read a music magazine?
·       Regulars
·       Editor’s Letter
·       Reviews of albums/downloads
·       Interviews with artists
·       Features on current bands
·       Downloads
·       Film/Television/Video Game Reviews
·       Live gigs/ Festivals
·       Others-Please State………

9. Which of the following main images on the cover would encourage you to buy magazine?
·       Male Artist
·       Female Artist
·       Male Group
·       Female Group
·       Mixed Group

10. Would you access websites or other media platforms associated with a music magazine? (please circle)
·       Yes

·       No