Sunday 10 November 2013

Contents pages

 I chose this contents page firstly because 'NME' is the magazine which attracts me the most meaning that i may look more into the 'NME' magazine styles. This content page stands out to me. The header conveys the 'NME' 's logo, so many readers will realise who produced the magazine. More-over it is a very clever way of putting the header as it reads 'NME THIS WEEK'. Not just 'CONTENTS', this form of header gives something new to the magazine, giving it a new edge. The layout of the magazine is very conventional to any other NME magazines, the layout is very clear because everything is sectioned off leaving the reader to know what stroy/caption goes with what header/title. One of the main feastures on this contents page is the 'BAND INDEX', this is useful to the reader because if a reader saw this and are influenced by one of the bands, it influences them to buy it to look up. The colour scheme on this contents page is the conventional colours of the 'NME' scheme (Red, Black, White, Yellow/Gold). The colour pallete is used effectively to contrast certain words, in this case it enforces 'NME THIS WEEK' to stand out. It also ensures that the main story stands out and catched the readers eye by using the colour black and using the font in a bigger size than the rest of the magazine information.

I chose this contents page from the magazine 'KERRANG!', i chose this as the main image stood out for me showing the lead guitarist from the band  'Guns n Roses'. The header 'CONTENTS' stands out to me as it formed in the same way as 'KERRANG!' is done and gives the shattered look giving it a bright edgy eye catching look for the readers. This contents page is very different from the magazine 'NME' which is why i have chosen to anaylise it. I think that Keranng! looks different in a various different ways- rather than having not much text and  look ing clear and formal; Kerrang! is bold, messy and definitely visible audience targeted at the younger people (16-25 year olds). Kerrang! is a quirky magazine which stands out to people visually by looking at the pictures and different band goss. The colours on this magazine are contrasting both bright and dark colors which gives it a good effect to help the readers view the magazine.

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