Wednesday 16 October 2013

Subsidiary images

These three photos are my first subsidiary images which I took without any editing. These three images are advertising the healthy eating in the school canteen. The audience that these will apply to are the students/teachers that attend King Henry School. I used different camera angles to make the pictures look more effective. I also decided to get a glimpse of the juice at the bottom of the shots so that the reader can also get an idea of what other drink we have to offer in the school canteen.

This is one of my un-edited subsidiary images that I have chosen to use for the magazine cover. I chose this because I thought that it looked good with the angle that I have took it in. I also added a pine-apple to the fruit tray, which stands out more showing that the canteen offer different fruits. This is a un-edited version of the picture. The reason I chose to have the picture un-edited without Photoshop is because I thought that the canteen shown in the background looks effective because all of the pupils know for sure that there is healthy eating in school.

This is my second subsidiary image that I chose to use for my front cover. I took this photo of the sign in the school canteen because I thought that it would emphasise the purpose of the school magazine that we are introducing updated healthy eating. I also decided to get the fruit tray in the background of my image because I wanted to show evidence to the reader that we are actually serious about our new healthy eating criteria. I also decided to take these photos in the school canteen instead of the kitchen area of the school so that the new healthy eating system would look appealing to the students, it looks realistic and the student will know exactly where the food we have to offer are located before hand for example in our fruit trays/trolley.


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