Monday 2 December 2013

Music Magazine Research Questionnaire

Music Magazine Market Research questionnaire
1.What gender are you?
2.     What is your most favoured genre of music?
Rave                      Classical
          Techno                 Opera
Jazz                       Heavy metal
R&B                      Hip-hop
          Folk                      Pop
          House                  Other
3.     How often do you purchase a music magazine?
Weekly                    Annually
Monthly                  Never

4.     What price would you be willing to pay?
 0-49p            £1.00-£1.99      £3.00-£3.99
50p-99p         £2.00- £2.99     £4.00+

5.     What would you like to see featured in the music magazine?
News updates     Reviews                Posters
Interviews   up and coming gigs     pictures
Gig guides            Competitions                Surveys

6.     Which of the following bands/ artists would you want to read about in a music magazine?
·       Ben Howard
·       Joy Division          
·       Artic Monkeys
·       The Killers
·       Kasabian
·       Blink-182
·       Others- Please State………

7.     Which of the following music magazines do you read?
·       NME
·       Q
·       Kerrang
·       Mojo
·       Uncut
·       Others- please state………

8.     Which of the following sections from a contents page would encourage you to read a music magazine?
·       Regulars
·       Editor’s Letter
·       Reviews of albums/downloads
·       Interviews with artists
·       Features on current bands
·       Downloads
·       Film/Television/Video Game Reviews
·       Live gigs/ Festivals
·       Others-Please State………

9. Which of the following main images on the cover would encourage you to buy magazine?
·       Male Artist
·       Female Artist
·       Male Group
·       Female Group
·       Mixed Group

10. Would you access websites or other media platforms associated with a music magazine? (please circle)
·       Yes

·       No

Sunday 17 November 2013

What i have learnt from my music magazines from my research!

Front Covers

  • The masthead needs to be catchy and needs to fit the genre of music which you do for your magazine, the masthead needs to be the biggest text on the page and needs to be eye catching for the audience
  • The color scheme needs to match- preferably having 3 colors which will give the magazine a neat look.
  • Not too many subsidiary images, as the page could look messy and the main image needs to be the most eye catching.
  • Not too many sell lines as you don't want to give too much information away.
  • A footer line and header bar is needed.
  • The main image needs to look professional and big as it's the most effective looking on the page; the main image also needs to relate to the splash.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Contents pages

 I chose this contents page firstly because 'NME' is the magazine which attracts me the most meaning that i may look more into the 'NME' magazine styles. This content page stands out to me. The header conveys the 'NME' 's logo, so many readers will realise who produced the magazine. More-over it is a very clever way of putting the header as it reads 'NME THIS WEEK'. Not just 'CONTENTS', this form of header gives something new to the magazine, giving it a new edge. The layout of the magazine is very conventional to any other NME magazines, the layout is very clear because everything is sectioned off leaving the reader to know what stroy/caption goes with what header/title. One of the main feastures on this contents page is the 'BAND INDEX', this is useful to the reader because if a reader saw this and are influenced by one of the bands, it influences them to buy it to look up. The colour scheme on this contents page is the conventional colours of the 'NME' scheme (Red, Black, White, Yellow/Gold). The colour pallete is used effectively to contrast certain words, in this case it enforces 'NME THIS WEEK' to stand out. It also ensures that the main story stands out and catched the readers eye by using the colour black and using the font in a bigger size than the rest of the magazine information.

I chose this contents page from the magazine 'KERRANG!', i chose this as the main image stood out for me showing the lead guitarist from the band  'Guns n Roses'. The header 'CONTENTS' stands out to me as it formed in the same way as 'KERRANG!' is done and gives the shattered look giving it a bright edgy eye catching look for the readers. This contents page is very different from the magazine 'NME' which is why i have chosen to anaylise it. I think that Keranng! looks different in a various different ways- rather than having not much text and  look ing clear and formal; Kerrang! is bold, messy and definitely visible audience targeted at the younger people (16-25 year olds). Kerrang! is a quirky magazine which stands out to people visually by looking at the pictures and different band goss. The colours on this magazine are contrasting both bright and dark colors which gives it a good effect to help the readers view the magazine.

Monday 4 November 2013

Magazine Front Covers

'NME' is a very popular pop/rock/indie magazine company and has been going since the 80's/90's. The target audience for NME ranges between the ages 18-30. 73% of the music magazine audience are male. I really like this music magazine as it looks classy and affective. The masthead is bold which is shown in a block bright colour (red). The main image is Ian Curtis from 'Joy Division' smoking a cigarette, The image shown is emotionless but simple and could imply that he is  rebellious as he is smoking.  The contrastive and abstract colours really bring out the image of Ian Curtis in a powerful and striking way. The colour had a larger significance to the age of the image, which could of been taken in the 70's or 80's so it gives the main image a traditional and classic characteristic.  The sell lines are in white as they are contrasting against Ian's black coat, this makes them look eyecatching because they are not only white but they are in a different font which looks funky and bold. 

 The magazine 'Kerrang' has a huge audience between the ages of 16-30. The audience members that read 'Kerrang' are into rock/heavy metal/grunge music. 54.7% of their audiences are men. The masthead on this magazine is in bold reading 'KERRANG', As we can see the 'KE' of the mast head has been shattered- this could be showing that it has been broken like a glass from the loud music. This is a very informal masthead. The masthead has been cut out by the image, this shows that the main image is more important and the main focus is the female singer 'Hayley Williams' from the band Paramore. The main image is of Hayely as i have just stated. She is from a band- but as shown she is the only one shown as the main image which implies she is the most important band member. She is doing a informal pose by putting her two fingers up- this shows that she is being rebellious as it's physically showing that she is swearing. This image of Hayley is showing the reader that she is confident and that she doesn't care, this is stereotypically showing that she is a rock singer. Her facial expressions imply that she is arrogant and care free. Her clothes and dyed hair are matching with the magazine colour scheme (orange). The reader can tell that her hair is un-natural/dyed as you can see her roots coming through, this is showing her off to be a unique, edgy character who is fashionable in the rock genre. The sell lines on this magazine offer 'Free Panic! at the disco poster' this will especially attract the younger audience as they can put the posters up around their bedrooms. The Splash on this 'Kerrang' magazine is 'PARAMORE' and links with the main image who is part of that band. The footer line has many band names on showing that there is more than one band information in the magazine. This grabs the readers attention as they will know at least one of the bands. The subsidiary images are the posters that are inside, this doesn't only attract the fans but it promotes the band in so many ways.

I wanted to look at a completely different genre music magazine and decided to look at the 'Classical Music Magazine'. The mast head of this magazine looks bold and is in the colour white, it looks gentle, neat and classy and matches the colour scheme of the rest of the magazine. The main image is a medium shot of 'Nicola Benedetti' standing up looking to the side of her. The image is of her smiling, this is inviting for the audience and the colours that she is wearing shows innocence and class, as she looks smart and pretty. The main image of her looking to the side looks very naural.  It also matches the colour scheme of the magazine. The layout of the magazine is very neat and sophisticated, this contrasts the genre of music. The Splash 'Nicola Bendetti standing up for music' goes with the main image as she is standing up. 

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Main Image

Final Front Cover

This is my final school magazine cover. I have edited my main image as i felt the background of the un-edited version didn't look right for the magazine snd the edited version looked a lot more effective. The final magazine cover is how i expected it to look, i didn't change anything from my draft to this and i knew what i wanted it to look like. 

 This is the un-edited picture i have chosen to be displayed on my front cover of my magazine. I chose this as the photo is showing a female student from King Henry school holding a piece of healthy food so that it goes with my splash of 'Healthy Eating'. The reason that I chose this photo out of all of them is because I felt that it was effective that the student was smiling with a piece of fruit. I prefer the medium camera shot rather than the close up shot because it gets the students body language and facial expressions in rather than just her face.
 This was one of the shots I took for my main image but I felt that this image wasn't suitable for a school magazine as I think that the way the female is positioned with the piece of fruit could be portrayed as looking promiscuous which didn't fit into my Splash about how the school have new 'Healthy Eating'.

I have decided not to use any of these three photos for my main image. I think that the reader would focus on the girl's face rather than the purpose that she is holding an apple to emphasise healthy eating because there are close up shots which makes the reader want to look at her facial expression.

Subsidiary images

These three photos are my first subsidiary images which I took without any editing. These three images are advertising the healthy eating in the school canteen. The audience that these will apply to are the students/teachers that attend King Henry School. I used different camera angles to make the pictures look more effective. I also decided to get a glimpse of the juice at the bottom of the shots so that the reader can also get an idea of what other drink we have to offer in the school canteen.

This is one of my un-edited subsidiary images that I have chosen to use for the magazine cover. I chose this because I thought that it looked good with the angle that I have took it in. I also added a pine-apple to the fruit tray, which stands out more showing that the canteen offer different fruits. This is a un-edited version of the picture. The reason I chose to have the picture un-edited without Photoshop is because I thought that the canteen shown in the background looks effective because all of the pupils know for sure that there is healthy eating in school.

This is my second subsidiary image that I chose to use for my front cover. I took this photo of the sign in the school canteen because I thought that it would emphasise the purpose of the school magazine that we are introducing updated healthy eating. I also decided to get the fruit tray in the background of my image because I wanted to show evidence to the reader that we are actually serious about our new healthy eating criteria. I also decided to take these photos in the school canteen instead of the kitchen area of the school so that the new healthy eating system would look appealing to the students, it looks realistic and the student will know exactly where the food we have to offer are located before hand for example in our fruit trays/trolley.


Thursday 10 October 2013

This is my first draft of my magazine cover.I have chosen the colour scheme to be black, yellow and red. I have chosen this as i feel that these colours do not only stand out, black and yellow are the King Henry traditional colors. I chose this format as i felt that it was basic and and eye catching especially if you look at my magazine 'pug' which reads 'Bargain 50p' which i thought was a cheap price for students.

The masthead of my magazine is called 'King Henry Social'. I chose this masthead because it links with school and it sounds catchy.I chose black and yellow as they are the school colors and the colors stand out!

The sell lines i have chosen are giving a cliff hanger onto getting you to buy the magazine. The first sell line says 'KHS pupil gets his art work displayed in London Art Gallery, read page 22 for more.. this sell line gets you to open the magazine which will get people to buy it especially if they are interested in knowing. The other sell line is 'Exclusive interview with KHS dinner lady who won the 'Big One' this sell line could mean anything as the costumers/students don't actually know what the 'Big One' is.

I chose the Splash as 'Healthy Eating' because it's a good way to inspire pupils in King Henry to eat healthy and buy food from the school canteen, also if people are interested to know how the dinner ladies/school teahcers got the menu together there is also a sell line quote from the dinner ladies telling you how they got the menu. I chose the colour red for the 'Healthy Eating' font as i felt that it would bring attention to people and also goes with the colour scheme of the magazine. I chose the splash to be in a font of bubbled writing as i thought that it made it look bold and big as i felt that it was a important part of the magazine.

I chose the Pug to be simple but cheap and cheerful as shown above as 50p. I chose the background colour to be red just like i have used with my splash, i chose the colour red as it's a bold bright colour. I added on the pug that it is a 'BARGAIN' this emphasizes how cheap it is and that it's a reasonable price!

I chose to have a header bar so that it would look short but give information in the highlighted bar to show the importance of the news being given to the readers. The header bars are wrote in capital letters because it makes it stand out even if they are only short headers. Einheader bars don't say alot they are eye catching because they are on the top of the page and the bottom of the page, they also yellow so that they stand out.